Introductory remarks
In statu nascendi[1] (lat.)
The Journal of Adult Education is aimed at diverse perspectives on one of the most topical and at the same time undervalued areas of scientific knowledge and sociocultural practice , the system of adult education.
Modern scientific-theoretical thesaurus does not provide holistic analysis of adult education, the sum total of issues connected with the teaching and learning process from the andragogical perspective. Moreover, conceptual representation of its institutional framework has not been developed yet.
In addition, under the convergence of education and the economy, the capitalization of knowledge, in the context of the actualization of the social significance of education, the problems of resocialization of adult population and the development of new professional skills are of paramount importance, hence it has become a kind of a worldwide challenge. Therefore, despite such an indisputable national socio-economic and cultural processes, transformation of adult education should be considered as a global trend.
The mission of the Journal «Obrazovanie vzroslykh / Adult education» is on the one hand to respond to demands made by globalization, and on the other hand to inform teachers, educators and researchers as well as schools and institutions of managerial, organizational, contextual and technological facets of adult education.
In this connection, a study of the way dominant characteristics of new economy influence education generally and adult education in particular as well as in-depth analysis of social risks for adults appear promising in the face of globalization and socio-economic relations. International positioning of national adult education, determination of its effectiveness in global measurements and, finally, theoretical and conceptual analysis of modern Russian and international models of adult education are topical in changing economic environment.
We hope for mutually beneficial cooperation on the pages of the Journal «Obrazovanie vzroslykh / Adult education». It will contribute to the advancement of its authors and adult education in the context of the Russian educational system and at the international level.
Bonum initium est dimidium facti[2](lat.)
Doctor of sociological sciences, rector of State Educational Institution of Additional Professional Education “Nizhny Novgorod Institute for Education Development”, N.Yu. Barmin